pollen filters

Audi 100 C4 Avant Pollen Filters From Dec 1990 to Nov 1994

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pollen filters

audi 100 C4 Avant

From Dec 1990 to Nov 1994

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Audi 100 C4 Avant Pollen Filters From Dec 1990 to Nov 1994

Audi 100 C4 Avant Pollen Filters From Dec 1990 to Nov 1994 Available Here. Pollen Filters Available Here. Most people don’t know that they might not be breathing in clean air while they drive. Pollen filters are not as soft and unnecessary as they sound; they are responsible for keeping debris and pollution from entering the ventilation, heating and air-conditioning system of your car. Without them, you’re more at risk for developing asthma and suffering from nausea, headaches and fatigue because of the dangerous amount of pollutants around you. Pollen filters are typically paper or active carbon paper filters that attract dust, particles and chemicals. It’s recommended you change your pollen filter at every major service or roughly once a year.