National Slow Down Day is the latest initiative by the Gardai in conjunction with the
Road Safety Authority (RSA) which will take place on Friday, March 27th for 24 hours starting at 7am. The purpose of the campaign is to
'reduce the number of speed related collisions, save lives and reduce injuries on our roads'. Gardai will be deployed on national and secondary roads, equipped with laser handheld speed detection devices, ROBOT vans and Cleartone/Puma in car speed detection systems for the 24 hours of the campaign, checking for speed related offences.

National Slow Down day is all about appealing to drivers to treat speed limits
'as the absolute maximum they will travel at'. 80% of speeding detections are between 10-29km/h over the posted limit, with half of these coming in 50km/h zones. Speed causes death and the Gardai want to remind all road users of the importance of slowing down. We spoke before ourselves about the need to slow down in
windy conditions or as we approach the spring/summer time
driving with sun glare, so the National Slow Down Day is a timely reminder to us all that we need to first off beware of the speed limit of the road you're on and then to not exceed it.

Be safe this weekend and always when on the road.