The new '61' UK car registrations for Great Britain were released yesterday (01/09/2011). According to the article 'Car registrations plummet as drivers hold on to their vehicles' from, around 330,000 new cars will be registered in September with the new '61' plate. As car dealers and show rooms try to shift "old" 51 registrations, and you're looking for a new car there will be a few good deals to be had out there for those willing to live with a '51' registered car.
GB Car Registation Explanation
The first two letters are the area code of the local registration office. This gives a rough idea of where the car was first registered.
The two numbers indicate when the car was registered. For example:
March 2005 - '05', September 2005 - '55'
March 2006 - '06', September 2006 - '56'
March 2007 - '07', September 2007 - '57'
March 2008 - '08', September 2008 - '58'
March 2009 - '09', September 2009 - '59'
March 2010 - '10', September 2010 - '60'
March 2011 - '11', September 2011 - '61'
The last three letters are random, and exclude certain characters (e.g. I, Q). The letters distinguish each registration that has the same area code and age identifier.
More information about the GB car registration system can be found at