Good news guys,
I'm learning!! Over the last month or so, a frequent passenger in my car has been feeling ill, falling asleep and more and I was particularly disturbed, as the alternative to it being the cars fault, was that it was me! That would be pretty crap. So, in the quest for knowledge i dug into our knowledge bank here and researched some videos of potential problems and had a Eureka moment - could it be an allergy?
A man on a mission, i ordered new filters, both air and pollen (first i knew of them) and decided this was it. I've spoken about our version of Cliff Richard (Rob)'s videos before and he now has me believing i could service my own car at this stage, but i was hell bent on changing the filters. Reality check - its not easy for someone without the tools or the knowledge. To rectify this, i will be buying said tools over the course of the year and will commit to videoing myself attempting this feat in 12 months - mark the date.
During the fitting process, it became clear there was no pollen filter in the car at all. So there is problem 1, and the air filter was in tatters. I went with the cheapest air filter and i don't think i will again, looking at the quality of the incumbent, it was superior with more layers, so it's worth noting that the cheapest ain't always the best and cos' we are talking filters, they are not that expensive at all.
So did it work, a resounding YES !! Completely different experience on the next drive ! I am a genius, this means i could probably start looking at studying medicine as an allergist, or maybe I am understanding this whole car business more than i thought. Either way, it did get my head around the fact, that to get more out of your car in the long term, you have to maintain it. It's a passing interest and nothing more but simple dividends could save money in the long run and unnecessary trips to the doctors.
Not convinced? Check out these videos and get to spring cleaning your car.
Before your Summer Holiday Car clean-up, Check out our resident Sir Cliff and decide, could YOU service a car.
So i'll sign off for this week, but asked my Facebook friends last week what i should blog about and i got some interesting replies. Can you help me pick the next one under the following topics?
Do go faster stripes, actually make you go faster?
What does your car say about your style?
Funniest thing found in the back seat of a car?
How to turn a car from a banger to a classic (video blog ?)
Let us know via replies of on Facebook and i'll get cracking !
PS With the operation no phone or car use tonight, be sure to listen for the midnight screams of cars doing donuts, an increase in the amount of underage driving around rural areas and no doubt a few lock ins will ensue, i know which of the 3 i'll be involved in.